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Fundraising Ideas

pic team• Start a team, recruit friends & family to join and run and raise money.

• Ask family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to make a donation. Make it easy for them to donate by providing complete instructions for making a donation.

• Computer Message- Ask your company computer expert to have a message "pop up" on employees' screens asking for a donation.

• E-mail everyone in your address book and ask for a donation. Be sure to include the link for online donations.

• Bake Sale, Cake Walk, or Cake Drawing Every Hour – Here is a fun and tasty on-site fundraising idea. Team members bake different cakes, exchange tickets for a donation and then raffle off the cakes each hour on a specified day.

• Car Wash/Windshield Washing - Fast food restaurant teams can collect donations for washing windshields as cars pass through drive-up windows (have signs to explain what you're doing).

• Matching Gifts- if your company has a matching gift program, that's an effective way to double your fundraising efforts. Check with your Human Resources department to obtain forms.

• Hat Day – Pay $1 to wear a hat to school or work

• Percentage of Sales (Restaurants or Retail stores) – Designate a percentage of one day’s sales or proceeds and let the public know so they will buy more.

• Pajama Day – Pay $1 to wear pajamas to school or work

• Auction off a prime parking space at work.

• Book and Video Sale - Collect donations of used books and videos.

• “Brown Bag Lunch Day” – Everyone brings their lunch and donates the money they would have spent for lunch to the Race for Autism fund.

• Challenge by the Boss/Principal – Get the boss to agree that if every team member raises their minimum, that he/she will dress up like a pig, shave his beard, sit in the dunking booth, or get a pie in the face, etc. This can also be done by selling votes. Whoever gets the most votes does one of these things.

• Change Jar – Keep a change jar in high traffic, well monitored areas. All change is donated to your team fundraising totals.

• Change for Autism – Place containers in each classroom/department. Whoever has the most money by a set date is the winner. Offer an incentive prize for the winner.

• Pot Luck Lunches at the Workplace – Team members prepare foods, salads, desserts, etc. and offer to employees at the workplace at a set price or donation.

• Dress Down/Jeans Day – Ask every employee to contribute to your Race team, and in return they will be allowed to “dress down” on a specified day at work.

• Envelopes at Restaurant Tables – Teams generate donations by placing a Race for Autism envelope at every table, stating “Please Support Our Race for Autism Team”. Wait staff checks envelopes after each seating.

• Vacation/Personal Day – If you are on a team with your co-workers, ask your boss if they can offer a bonus day off for the team member that raises the most money.

• 50/50 Pay Day – On pay day, sell tickets for $5 or $10. Winner receives 50% of the pot and your team receives the other 50%.